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I N  T H E  H O O D

 R O B I N


Once upon a time there lived a man named Robin. 

Robin was an outlaw.

He stole from the rich and gave to the poor.


One day Robin wakes to find that he is no longer in Sherwood Forest, but in a foreign land.

This foreign land was busy. Many people walked by Robin, yet no one answered him when he asked where they were.

Frustrated, Robin yells, "Why must everyone be so rude?!" Overhearing Robin, a man laughed and responds,

“Hey pal, welcome to New York City.” 


Robin wanders the streets trying to find a way back home, but he can’t.

Just as Robin is about give up all hope he spots something. It is a sign on the outside of a large building. Under the letters ‘Madison Square Garden’ the sign reads, ‘Tonight the Queen B Returns.”

This building does not look like much of a castle to Robin, but he decides that he must get an audience with the Queen. The Queen might be his last chance of getting home.


Robin approaches a group waiting underneath the sign. 

“Good evening, my fellow gentlemen! May I ask, are you meeting with the Queen this evening?” asked Robin. Clearly taken back by Robin’s odd dress and behavior they take a moment to answer.

One of the young men finally speaks up, “You mean Beyonce?”

“Yes, yes the Queen!” Robin responds eagerly.

“No, I wish. We can’t afford tickets. ”

This shocks Robin. Tickets to see the Queen? No one should pay to see their Queen. In this moment Robin new that he must help them.

Addressing the whole group Robin says, “My fellow merry men come with me! Join me in venturing past the guards and through the castle halls to speak with your Queen!”  

tonight the queen B returns


As the guards turn their backs, Robin and his merry men sneak into the building.


As they make their way through the building Robin is taken back by the loud music and odd design of the building.


Robin realizes that the women on the stage must be the Queen. However, he is confused by her odd behavior and lack of a crown. 


The closer Robin and his merry men get to the stage the wilder the crowd gets.

Robin has never seen people so excited to see their Queen.


 As the Queen leaves the stage Robin realizes this is his best opportunity to speak with her. Hopping the guardrail, Robin tries to join the Queen on stage. However, Robin is soon tackled to the ground from behind, cuffed and arrested. 


Unfortunately, Robin does not live happily ever after.

The valiant Robin Hood trades in his green tights for an orange jumpsuit, and spends the next three months making license plates with the merriest of men Rikers Island has to offer. 
